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Story of Brother TNT

Birth of A-bike was a great blessing to many enthusiasts all over the world. Though we can hear some concerns about its durability, if you meet one of fans then you will be a fresh A-biker next week. In my country, the story of A-bike had begun from a cool guy named ‘Brother TNT’. He had been waiting for the launch for 2 years like so many Sir Clive. During the waiting time, his online game company met the bankruptcy furthermore the launching date of A-bike was often delayed. Everything did not turn out as he wished.

At last, 26th Aug. 2006, Brother TNT received his own A-bike for the first time among us.

You can feel his deep emotion through this photo(click to enlarge). Please feel free to see. He is not a special force from North Korea and as you know, they become more kindly nowadays.

Anyway, His biggest contribution to A-bike is to make the AbikeCafe(KR).

There is a happy off-line meeting for A-bike owners in KR on every first sunday a month. What do they do? Riding~ Drinking~ Riding~ Drinking~

I have a plan to upload the news of AbikeCafe(KR) here.

Gifts : Everybody can use all photos uploaded by me on every purpose except for selling clones.Click each photo to see a large photo or Click here to see the list including all photos on Frappr.

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