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DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

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Re: DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

Postby Amuro Lee on Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:49 pm

Another Electric A-bike DIY kit from Taiwan.




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Re: DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

Postby Francesco on Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:57 am

US$900.42??? Holy cow!

:D :shock: :D
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Re: DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

Postby djyemi on Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:40 pm

Francesco wrote:US$900.42??? Holy cow!

:D :shock: :D

Hi...way too expensive. I converted mine, and in total it cost me about £160 (thats about $252) including shipping from Hong Kong (i had to pay £27 or $44 export duty - the blighters).

Here are the pictures of my conversions
electric pack.jpg
electric pack.jpg (40.32 KiB) Viewed 129076 times
motor.jpg (47.08 KiB) Viewed 128875 times
electric bike installation.jpg
electric bike installation.jpg (48.02 KiB) Viewed 128946 times
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Re: DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

Postby Francesco on Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:54 pm


How do you like it so far? Do you believe it's worth it?
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Re: DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

Postby djyemi on Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:36 am

Feels a lot better and less peddaling, hence, less strain on the bike. Its probably expensive, but I feel that I am going to recoup that back from the savings on bus fare i.e. £12 per week (£48 per month) so I guess in about 3 months, the expense of the motor should have paid for itself (+ i dont have to be at the mercy of the blooming bus drivers!). Also, I think I can manage at 15mph speedwise and faster down-hill, but I gues thats cos of my weight i.e.(I am actually 120Kg, which is 35Kg in excess of the allowed weight) and I also carry a ruck sack (about 10-15kg additonal).

I've also changed the saddle (the original one has crumpled) so that makes life a bit more bearable.
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Re: DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

Postby whohuh on Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:38 am

I really like this idea and want to try and convert my bike, but if possible can somebody here please post step by step instructions to converting the abike. I can't seem to find anything on google except people wanting to sell conversion kits, but I'd rather just buy my own parts. Also can somebody list the parts I would need as well as the tools. Help greatly appreciated.
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Re: DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

Postby djyemi on Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:19 am

Hi.It depends on how much you want to spend. I'd go for the kits instead. I spent about £160 buying mine (most of the cost was shipping and clearing charges from China). If you're interested send an email to this bloke in china: ea-bike@hotmail.com (he doesnt speak English though), but he's very decent and will respond to your emails and ship it out to you, also make payments via paypal.if you are looking to do it on your own, then most of the parts are parts from Scooters so you'll need a 3000W 24V motor, 24V battery rechargeable, a hall generator, as well as a controller so that you can accelarate like a motorbike. it all sounds complicated to do, but i'd buy the kit instead.
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Re: DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

Postby whohuh on Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:31 am

I was considering getting a kit, but its a little out of my price range. I really want to try this as an experiment so I'm looking for the cheapest option, but still fairly safe. Plus, I think it'll be really fun to just mess around with the wires and motor :D .

I just found a scooter part site that looks like they should carry everything.


So just to be safe, I'll need:

Motor, Battery, Controller, Battery charger, Twist Throttle, and from the look of the youtube movie I'll need a sprocket and chain too right?. Yea I'm lost on all that other stuff, what about the connectors and wires, how does this go about?
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Re: DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

Postby djyemi on Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:42 pm

wow - thats a very good site there. they've got everything you need really. the problem is how will you know what chain and socket to fit and the dimensions. anyway, i think its best you call them before you call. tell them what you want to do. you will need a controller, a relay and battery. they've got all you need on that site, so give them a call.
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Re: DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

Postby djyemi on Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:21 pm

Hi. I am selling the Electric A-bike upgrade kit! So that you can convert your bike to run on electric. Make me an offer as I dont intend to use it any longer.
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Re: DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

Postby Guest on Thu May 14, 2009 6:47 pm

i want to buy one ,please let me know.

Re: DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

Postby Guest on Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:31 pm

djyemi wrote:
ecatarino wrote:Hello?
Can anybody telll me whom is the distributor of this electrical aplliance.
"DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit"

Hi..there is no supplier/distributor. people put the kit together for themselves. if you want my kit i can sell it to you as i no longer need it.

why are you selling ? if you don't mind telling

Re: DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

Postby JazJon on Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:53 am

I'm interested in supplementing my A-Bike with an Electric Motor. I just emailed the various contacts listed in this thread. Hopefully someone still has a kit for sale or can tell me what to buy and what to do.

I would buy a pre-built electric bike, but I'd rather have my bike small enough to keep under my desk at work etc. (and in my closet at home)

So again, hopefully one of the companies I just emailed responds, but does anyone else have more contacts to share? (seeing how this thread is a bit old)
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Re: DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

Postby JazJon on Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:42 pm


I just got a response from:

North America
E-mail: sales@ebkit.com
Phone: 415-7066802
Address: 501 Taylor Street, San Francisco, CA 94102

He's checking his Taiwan supplier and will get back to me soon. We're both in San Francisco so it looks like I will get to have some help in person. (perfect) I'm also going to check out what other folding electric bikes he offers. I'm pretty sure I want the most compact bike possible though which would be the A-Bike hands down.

EDIT: They said the kit is not longer produced or in stock. (oh well)
Last edited by JazJon on Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DIY Electric A-bike upgrade kit!

Postby Artefex on Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:34 pm

For an electric conversion I would consider using a hub motor (Or small wheel with built in motor) such as the ones supplied by:

Replacing the front wheel would be smaller and neater than messing around with extra gears and chains.
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