Hi Elaine,
Welcome to A-bike Central.
Looking at your photograph, it was very difficult to see anything physically different from a genuine A-bike, even down to the nuts & bolts. I instantly got mine out as a reference.
I am not sure whether you are based in the UK or not, but there are various cosmetic pointers, especially if so, as follows:
• The A-bike logo on the sides of the Upper Steering Joint (the top of the "A" shape) has a small TM after the e, and the dot on the i is red; both of which look to be missing from yours.
• On the Cross Piece (as in an "A"), there should be "Sinclair Research" on each side of the rear half, in capitals & on 2 lines, and "A-bike.co.uk" on the front half sides. It looks as though yours only has 4 various stages of unfolding on the rear half. If you lay your A-bike down from the position in your photograph, you should also find underneath the front half (upside down) a 7-digit serial number &, separately, a date of manufacture in the form YRyyyyWKww (e.g. YR2006WK28).
• On the back of the Rear Lower Tube (metal above the cranks) should be "Model No. ZB01 / Patented and / Patent Pending" (each of my added "/" denoting a new line). Actually, my Rear Lower Tube is an older one, having been replaced, so may be different, BUT the same should be true for the back of the Front Lower Tube.
• Your reflectors seem to all be correctly positioned, but do they have "Mayhem UK" or even "Sinclair Research" &"BS6102/2" on them?
• Finally, I think, there may be several yellow stickers, if they haven't peeled off. On the Handlebar Stem one showing an upside down triangle with a pinched finger & reading "Read manual before use" & "Max. weight 85kg 187lbs", both all in capitals. A no-step symbol on the front half of the Cross Piece ahead of the folding mechanism & button. And on the Brake Bands, a triangled exclamation mark followed by "Caution hot surfaces", all caps on 2 lines.
• Oh, and the tyres should read, amongst other things, "Cheng Shin Tire", "6x1¼" &" Max. inflate to 90 PSI".
Phew, simple but long-winded!
Hope this helps immensely. Best of luck. By the way, how much?