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Improvement: Main pillar head

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Improvement: Main pillar head

Postby Crislobin on Tue Oct 13, 2015 2:42 pm

Dear Users.

I am using various copies of the 8" wheel version. In general, it works ok.

No problem with the wheels, and wheel forks. I keep the tire pressure higher than rated on the tires, depends on the weight of the user.

In general, I am careful with the up and downs from to the sidewalk, and bumps on the pavement, so to keep the impacts on the bicycle frame low.

Anyway, the main pillar head starts to crack. The security ribbon protects, but it not the idea, to wait, till the fracture separates the material. I think, it is due to the lateral pivoting, against the main pillar, when pedaling.

I improved the upper back frame, with two versions of external reinforcement. One before the head starts to crack, and the second one, after the cracking. I prefer the second one. Eliminates the plastic near the seat tube, and looks consistent.

I used materials, easy to buy, and materials from spare bicycles.

So, enjoy your free time, if you like to work with your hands.

Pictures attached.


Cris from Chile

head.jpg (62.34 KiB) Viewed 8342 times

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Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:52 pm
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