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Improvement: Clamp redesign

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Improvement: Clamp redesign

Postby Crislobin on Fri Jun 20, 2014 1:29 pm


Incredible to watch, how the years rush by. I started using the A-Bike 2009, a copy due to the price. Now, I am writing from my 7" Android Phone-Tab ... The A-Bike is for bicycles, as Linux, is for computer operating systems. You can get a A-Bike for 60 usd in China. Thinking about GPL software, the A-Bike is almost "GPF" hardware. (General Public Free :lol: )
"It would be a nice task for Google; free internet, and a free A-Bike for everyone!"

Today I am using the 8" version with inflatable tires. Rubber tires never worked fine for me, vibration is also enormous. I think also due to the lax interface between metal an rubber. The pneumatic tire, is firmly fixed to the metal, due to the air pressure.

But yes, the 8" runs better than the 6", and the construction is better. The tire air pressure of the 8" is lower, almost half the pressure of the 6"; good! The main gear case is also stronger, but there are still some flaws.
Aluminium is not very flexible at all
original-clamp.jpg (21.51 KiB) Viewed 6517 times

Going to the point, I suggest to improve the clamps on the front and rear tubes.
Clamp suggestion, and solution for the meantime rear
clamp.jpg (39.05 KiB) Viewed 6393 times

The idea is to extend the upper side of the clamp, to press also the inner tube from the outside, instead of weakening with two cuts, that critical part, that is the top of the outer aluminium tube, to create the aluminium clamp.
Inside the clamp extension there could be two o'rings to press against the inner tube.
This clamp could be used, in the front and rear telescope tube arrays.


Cris from Chile

Also, on the last picture, you can see the solution I am using for long time now, on the rear telescope tube, worked fine with the 6", and now with the 8" version.
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Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:52 pm
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