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Disassembly to make it smaller

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Disassembly to make it smaller

Postby marlonbraga on Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:25 pm

I know the A-Bike is quite small already, but is it possible to make some disassembly on it to make it even smaller?

I am a crew member from an Airline, and I would like to have an A-Bike to carry with me to ride it on the cities I go... The problem is that my luggage is only 62 cm tall and the A-Bike is 67cm. So this tiny 5cm will be enough to make it not fit :( I cannot use a larger luggage, because it is provided by my company, and it is standardised, so we are not allowed to use our own.

If there is some piece(s) I can remove from the bike to make it fit, even if I have to use some tools, it would finnaly be a bicycle I could take with me... Or is it too hard, or not practical?

Thanks in advance for any response
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Joined: Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:15 pm

Re: Disassembly to make it smaller

Postby Job on Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:04 pm

hi Marlon,

to make the Abike 5cm shorter, you'd need to take off the steering handle, or both wheels.
this would take you some time, effort and tools.

depending on the width of your suitcase, there maybe an easier solution:

if you put the Abike in diagonally, you can get it in if your suitcase is 57cm wide:
(you can try putting the Abike on it's other side to see if it makes a difference)

diagonally.jpg (205.52 KiB) Viewed 10293 times

if your case is 50cm wide, you can get it in by taking out the front wheel (which is relatively easy, just one bolt to undo. collect all the rings and spacers!)
and watch out for

if your case is 41cm wide, you'll have to take the front wheel out, and undo the two Allen bolts/ hexagonal bolts to loosen the front brake (the green coloured arc).
(this front brake is otherwise easily damaged during transport!)

wheeloff.jpg (230.5 KiB) Viewed 10397 times

hope this helps.

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Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:15 pm
Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

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