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Official Electric A-bike Announced

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Official Electric A-bike Announced

Postby Amuro Lee on Sun Nov 07, 2010 12:09 pm


I think it will be actually the world's smallest and lightest folding electric bike. What do you think about it? :roll:

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Re: Official Electric A-bike Announced

Postby Wish Master on Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:18 am

That will be very nice.

For the time being I am in the process of changing my A-bike replica to transformed into Electric version. Using Lipo battery also.

But Lipo (lithium polymer) battery life span is around 300 cycles in compare to LiFePO4 which can last for upto 2000 cycle but more heavier and more expensive.
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Re: Official Electric A-bike Announced

Postby Messibear on Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:35 pm

I'm a proud owner of the A-bike plus and wanting to transfer it into electric for ages but don't know how. The places i've found online for the mods looks dodgy and don't offer much help when it comes to DIY. Hearing this electric version due to release in the summer was exciting news. But I don't want to buy another bike as my current A-bike work just perfectly, only negative complaint is going up a slope takes out alot of my energy. That's why it would be nice if Sinclair's design team would offer an 'official' electric upgrade kit for those of us (i'm sure many out there) who already owned the first/second generation of this marvelous bike would love to purchase this kit.

Re: Official Electric A-bike Announced

Postby Amuro Lee on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:05 pm

It's a pitty that all electric bikes in any form are banned in public areas in Hong Kong here. :(

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Re: Official Electric A-bike Announced

Postby benant on Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:00 am

Any update on when this will go on sale, I've gone on the list to reserve one, but no one has got back to me to take the deposit or given any update on when the Electric A-Bike will go on sale.
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Re: Official Electric A-bike Announced

Postby Andi on Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:08 pm

benant wrote:Any update on when this will go on sale, I've gone on the list to reserve one, but no one has got back to me to take the deposit or given any update on when the Electric A-Bike will go on sale.

I just signed up to reserve one too, very interested in when they are available! :D

Re: Official Electric A-bike Announced

Postby Job on Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:26 pm

Interestingly enough the picture shows a 6" wheeled version, whereas the specs list 8" wheel size.

Here in the Netherlands all electric mini-scooters etc are banned too, but there are exceptions.
Most notably the electrically assisted bicycle. But only if the electric power is applied by making the normal cycling motion with the pedals, so not with a hand operated lever!

Most abundand examples are the power-assisted bicycles for elderly people, but they are big and dull. It would be great to have a road legal but fun version, the electric 8" A-bike would be very nice!

I hope the Sinclair engineers will take this in consideration, cause that will be essential for road use over here.

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Re: Official Electric A-bike Announced

Postby Ben on Mon May 16, 2011 10:10 am

Having spoken with Sinclair Research and then Mayhem it seems that although this development is being considered it is actually a long, long way from production.

Re: Official Electric A-bike Announced

Postby Guest on Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:13 pm

I have just recieved an email for Abike and they say the electric abike is not real and someone has made the story up.I to have an Abike and I emailed them for an electric convertor.
sir clive if you read this everyone wants to convert there Abike.
Sell one I will buy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Official Electric A-bike Announced

Postby papo on Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:06 am

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Re: Official Electric A-bike Announced

Postby tann on Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:15 am

Hello, I'm new to A-Bikes and don't even own one. Very keen on the electric foldables that can be taken on public transport. I just got myself a Go motorboard and eager to explore other options. Found this forum and thread and was disappointed that "original" electric A-Bike was a hoax. Came across this at french company BHT Diffusion while sourcing better batteries for my motorboard. They look like genuine A-Bikes with electric retrofit by them. Selling in bulk only though. Looks to be able to still fold up neatly with motor at the back. Would appreciate the views and comments of those in the know.

http://e-bike-diffusion.com:80/index.ph ... 26page%3D1
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Re: Official Electric A-bike Announced

Postby Amuro Lee on Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:04 pm

tann wrote:...They look like genuine A-Bikes with electric retrofit by them...

They just look like genuines but they are fakes actually. For your safty, don't ride any fake A-bikes. :wink:

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Re: Official Electric A-bike Announced

Postby Messibear on Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:14 pm

Why does it take so long for the Sinclair team to come up with a solution for those who want to convert their A-bike into electric. There are obviously vast majority of us out there who wants one 'cos the bike is difficult to ride on slop in particularly, even on a slightly raise road is hard to peddle, don't even think about going uphill, it's impossible. You will be out of breathe before you turn around the corner. I'm so frustrated that 'We', their loyal customers can't even get any feedback, updates whatsoever from the maker, it's like 'Great, we'll do some clever fantastic campaigns to get as many smugs to buy the bikes, we want sales counts only'. No need for aftersale support, lets forget about them... Looking at their official website, can anybody tell me their webpage been updated? Any news are fresh?...I guessed not. After so many years since launched the maker has continuously ignoring us buyers, it unfair to say the least. I feel absolutely deflated... haha..yes, like my bike collecting dust in the closet. I still like my bike but it's just too tiring to ride to work unless you are a great athlete, then it may be easier for you.

I find this auction site "http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=12457333445" already selling these converters incl. the bikes (bike looks counterfeits unfortunately), i'm was a bit tempting to buy these but they come with the bike, too bad. I wanted the kit only. Plus i don't feel like buying from mainland China, too risky. I'm hoping to find these converters somewhere else, maybe in Europe or American or even Hong Kong websites. Any ideas, guys?

Re: Official Electric A-bike Announced

Postby Amuro Lee on Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:42 pm

Dear Messibear,

Even you'd bought a genuine Electric A-bike, you still can't ride it in public areas legally in Hong Kong here, can you? :roll:
Furthermore, MHM, the official local distributor wouldn't sell it in Hong Kong as all electric bikes are banned in public areas.

Garry wrote:I don't see how it can be a fake when the news came from the Sinclair site :wink: They are still listing it as available in July 2011. It's traditional for Sinclair products to have many delays :mrgreen:



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Re: Official Electric A-bike Announced

Postby messibear on Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:02 pm

i bought mine in England. Thx.


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