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My negative A-Bike experience

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Moderators: Binch Shin, newcross, Amuro Lee

Postby Amuro Lee on Sat Dec 08, 2007 2:32 am

Binch Shin wrote:This topic seems too long!!
So I decided to make a summary here :roll:
1. Timbo is a balding 51 year old.
2. Nigel is a balding 48 year old.
3. Garry is a balding 36 year old.
4. Binch is a balding 33 year old.

5. Amuro is a curly headed 33 years old fat man.

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Postby Nigel Kellett on Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:29 pm

Oh my God! :shock:
A-biking makes you go bald!!! :roll:
It's a conspiracy by Sir Clive! We're all becoming clones! :lol:
Amuro just likes to be different! (I couldn't even find an emoticon that didn't look bald!)
Nigel Kellett
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Postby Timbo in Essex on Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:07 pm

A-biking Baldies of the world unite!
Timbo in Essex
Timbo in Essex
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Postby Timbo in Essex on Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:33 pm

Dear Nigel,

"One thing I do wonder, though, since your A-bike must be pretty high mileage (and I may have missed a mention by you before in another thread, or can't remember), have you managed to escape the dreaded creeping fatigue crack on the rear lower tube below the quick release clamp? Looks like mine's started!"

I've just had a look at mine and yes, indeed there is a crack just starting to develop. I'm glad these bikes have a two year warrenty; I've a feeling this one may be going back to Mayhem again before too long!

The only real problem I've had so far has been the dreaded "rear wheel scrape" issue where the chain has stretched (or something) and gets caught between the rear tyre and part of the housing on the bike causing the spiral scrape. This was quickly an efficiently repaired by Mayhem - once I phoned them, rather than using e-mail.

I am now begining to wonder how robust these bikes actually are if, within a year of use, the basic components are starting to fail? I've had my other bike for over 9 years and it has never had a single problem requiring a repair or replacement part, except for brake shoes and tyres - which one would expect.

I shall keep a very close eye on my A-bike's rear tube in the future.
Timbo in Essex
Timbo in Essex
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Re: My negative A-Bike experience

Postby franc on Sat May 11, 2013 11:36 am

This post is very old, but I had similar experiences.
I bought two days ago the "A-Bike Plus" from a friend who bought it in August 2009. He tested it just some meters in his flat and put it away till now.
When I drove the first time, I immediately noticed that you won't get to a speed faster than running, with this "bike" with only one gear.
And the energy I need is high even with good inflated tires (90psi).
I will sell it again. This is not very useful for me. Maybe a nice gadget for 500 meters or in the airport, but not for everydays use.

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Re: My negative A-Bike experience

Postby rumtea on Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:56 pm

LOL! I am so sorry to hear about your negative experience.
I just wonder if you did any research before purchase the Strida.
My friends and I are very happy with ours.
I live in Santa Monica, CA with beautiful beach bike batchs. I use my Strida on the weekday to go to work with metro and buses. It's a perfect solution. On the weekend, I rode my bike to farmer market or to the beach. The Strida is so compact and light that I can take it almost anywhere even to the coffee shop.
I did a research about the weight limit and read people experience before I got the Strida and I didn't disappoint. I do consider replacing the seat for a spring one but for now the original seat is still good and I am ok with around 1 hours riding.

I am sure the Bromton or other folding bike will be more comfortable and faster for the longer bike but the Strida is perfect for my need and commute. I love the way it fold in just one step and took very little space.

Re: My negative A-Bike experience

Postby MadHatter on Sat May 21, 2016 3:44 pm

Wow sorry to hear that. I always got good customer service at Selfridges, but that said I've only ever had to return items bought online with them (clothing) or swap for a different size.
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Postby Hellobicycle on Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:02 pm

Binch Shin wrote:This topic seems too long!!
So I decided to make a summary here :roll:
1. Timbo is a balding 51 year old.
2. Nigel is a balding 48 year old.
3. Garry is a balding 36 year old.
4. Binch is a balding 33 year old.

HAHAHAHAA... you are right Shin, this quite long topic. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby JarredK on Thu May 04, 2017 6:33 am

Amuro Lee wrote:
Binch Shin wrote:This topic seems too long!!
So I decided to make a summary here :roll:
1. Timbo is a balding 51 year old.
2. Nigel is a balding 48 year old.
3. Garry is a balding 36 year old.
4. Binch is a balding 33 year old.

5. Amuro is a curly headed 33 years old fat man.

Sounds like everyone is going bald. :D
Last edited by JarredK on Thu Oct 21, 2021 3:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Guest on Tue Oct 31, 2017 4:39 pm

Nigel Kellett wrote:Oh my God! :shock:
A-biking makes you go bald!!! :roll:
It's a conspiracy by Sir Clive! We're all becoming clones! :lol:
Amuro just likes to be different! (I couldn't even find an emoticon that didn't look bald!)

I wish someone told me before I went bald.


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