by Timbo in Essex on Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:53 pm
Just to add my 10 penn'oth to the debate.
I have had my A-bike for exactly a year and still ride it most days between home and my station and Liverpool St. Station and Kings Cross where I work. Contrary to other people's experiences, I feel more confident in traffic, even London traffic, on my A-bike that I do on my Claude Butler. The small wheel-base and, it must be said, the small wheels make the bike much more manoeuvrable than a conventionally sized cycle; the narrow handle-bars and slow speed are especially usefully when riding between lanes of stationary traffic.
I think I must have a strange shaped bum because I don't find the saddle painful at all, although I accept it is unlikely to win any prizes for overall comfort.
Where I do have an issue with the bike is the lack of gearing, just one additional gear would be helpful, and the small size of the wheels, despite what I said earlier. Surely to have 8 or 9 inch spoked wheels would not compromise the weight too much but they would help me, as a balding 51 year old, not to look such a complete pratt when I ride the bike.
As has been mentioned in this and other threads, if there is to be an A-bike Mark II and I understand that there might be; some of the criticisms levelled at the design must be addressed otherwise the bike will remain forever a novelty rather than a serious means of transport. All power to Sir Clive but I do hope he comes up with something that may be a little heavier and may be a little bulkier but will be a more attractive/comfortable ride.
Until the Mark II comes out, I, for one, will carry on riding my A-bike on London roads in London traffic with great enjoyment.
Good luck to you all - we really must try and arrange another get together in the Spring.
Timbo in Essex